Method: DrawTo - Synatx 2

Draws a barcode symbol on the specified canvas. The barcode symbol is specified in the parameters of this method.



{ Defined in the pCore1D unit }

TDisplayText = (dtNone, dtBarcode, dtFullEncoded);

{ Defined in the pCore1D unit }

TTextPosition = (tpTopIn, tpTopOut, tpBottomIn, tpBottomOut);

{ Defined in the pCore1D unit }

TTextAlignment = (taLeft, taCenter, taRight, taJustify, taLeftQuietZone, taCenterQuietZone, taRightQuietZone, taJustifyQuietZone, taCustom);

function DrawTo(Canvas: TCanvas; Left, Top: Integer; Barcode: string; AutoCheckDigit: Boolean; BarColor, SpaceColor: TColor; BarcodeTextDefine: TBarcodeTextDefine; Ratio: Double; Module: Integer = 0; Height: Integer = 0; Angle: Integer = 0; HDPI: Integer = 0; VDPI: Integer = 0): Integer; overload; virtual;


On the specified canvas, draws a barcode symbol that is specified in the parameters of this method.


See diagram:

DrawTo (Syntax 2)


For Delphi 3, the method overload and default value of parameter aren't supported, so the method name is changed to DrawTo2, and the parameters Module, Height, Angle, HDPI, and VDPI are required.
