(TBarcode1D_ITF6, TBarcode1D_ITF14, TBarcode1D_ITF16)
Specifies how to represent the the bearer bars of the ITF-6, ITF-14, or ITF-16 barcode symbol.
{ Defined in the pITF6 and pITF14 units }
TBearerBars = (bbFourSides, bbTopBottom);
property BearerBars: TBearerBars;
The ITF-6, ITF-14, or ITF-16 barcode often employ a bearer bar around the code to protect the symbol from excessive plate squash. The property specifies how to represent the the bearer bar. This property is useful only for TBarcode1D_ITF6, the TBarcode1D_ITF14, and TBarcode1D_ITF16 barcode components. It can be one of these values (defined in the pITF6 and pITF14 units):
See diagram: