You can use the OnRead parameter to specify a callback procedure when you make the DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function call. The callback procedure will be executed when a data block is read by the DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function.
TReadMethod = (rmGet, rmPost, rmActive, rmPassive);
#ifdef UNICODE// For UNICODE Inno Setup
TOnRead = function (URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod;
Index, TotalSize, ReadSize, CurrentSize: Int64; var ReadStr: AnsiString): Boolean;
#else // For ANSI Inno Setup
TOnRead = function (URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod;
Index, TotalSize, ReadSize, CurrentSize: LongInt; var ReadStr: AnsiString): Boolean;
Contains the full address of the file to download, or the address of server script to fetch its response. the "http", "https" and "ftp" schemes are supported. Optional username, password and port number can be included. For "http" and "https" schemes, an optional parameters string can be included too.
[<scheme>://][<username>[:<password>]@]<host>[:<port>] [/<path>][?<parameters>]
For example:
Contains an user agent string. Your server can use the string to determine whether the download request is sent by your installation package, or determine which installation package sends the request, etc.
Contains the HTTP methods for an "http" or "https" download request. Or contains the transfer mode for an "ftp" download request. It can be one of the following values:
Contains the index of data block. The index 0 denotes that current data block is first block of current remote file.
Contains the size of current remote file, in bytes. It can be used to calculate the download progress.
Contains the size of the remote file has been downloaded, in bytes. It can be used to calculate the download progress.
Contains the size of current data block which read by the DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function, in bytes.
Contains the content of current data block which read by the DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function.
All of the data blocks in each callback will be concatenated as a single string (the entire content of the remote file). After the download completes and the DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function returns, the single string will be returned in the Response parameter of the DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function. If the SaveFilename parameter of DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function isn't set to empty, the single string will be saved as a local file which specified by the SaveFilename parameter, too.
You can change the value of the parameter, the new value will be used to concatenated to the single string. After the download completes and the DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function returns, the single string will be returned in the Response parameter of the DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function. If the SaveFilename parameter of DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function isn't set to empty, the single string concatenated using original strings will be saved as a local file which specified by the SaveFilename parameter. In other words, the original remote file will be saved.
Returns true to continue to download the remote file. Retunrs false to terminate the download operation, the DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL function will return immediately, and the error code READ_ERROR_CANCELED (9) will be returned by it.
You can use the callback procedure to save the remote file:
Response: AnsiString;
Size: {#BIG_INT};
function OnRead(URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod; Index, TotalSize, ReadSize,
CurrentSize: {#BIG_INT}; varReadStr: AnsiString): Boolean;
if Index = 0 then
// Create local file and write first data block
SaveStringToFile( ExpandConstant('{tmp}/local_filename'), ReadStr, False )
// Append subsequent data blocks to the local file
SaveStringToFile( ExpandConstant('{tmp}/local_filename'), ReadStr, Ture );
ReadStr := ''; // Optional, change to empty string for freeing up memory space
Result := True; // Continue to download
DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL('http://.....', 'My_Setup', rmGet, Response, Size, '', @OnRead);
The callback function can be used to update the progress indicator, for example:
ProgressBar: TNewProgressBar;
Response: AnsiString;
Size: {#BIG_INT};
function OnRead(URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod; Index, TotalSize, ReadSize,
CurrentSize: {#BIG_INT}; varReadStr: AnsiString): Boolean;
ProgressBar.Position := (ReadSize div TotalSize) * 100;
Result := True;
ProgressBar := TNewProgressBar.Create(...);
ProgressBar.Min := 0;
ProgressBar.Max := 100;
ProgressBar.Position := 0;
DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL('http://.....', 'My_Setup', rmGet, Response, Size,
ExpandConstant('{tmp}/local_filename'), @OnRead);
It can be used to encrypt or decrypt file content or response text too, for example:
Response: AnsiString;
Size: {#BIG_INT};
function OnRead(URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod; Index, TotalSize, ReadSize,
CurrentSize: {#BIG_INT}; varReadStr: AnsiString): Boolean;
i: Integer;
// Simple to encrype the file content
for i := 1 to ReadSize do ReadStr[i] := Chr(Ord(ReadStr[i]) xor $55);
Result := True;
if DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL( 'http://.....', 'My_Setup', rmGet, Response, Size, '', @OnReaded )
= READ_OK then
SaveStringToFile( ExpandConstant('{tmp}/local_filename'), Response, False );
Also, it can be used to check whether the user terminates the download operation, for example:
Response: AnsiString;
Size: {#BIG_INT};
Canceled: Boolean;
function BackButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
Result := True;
// Terminates download operation when user clicks on the "Back" button
Canceled := True;
function OnReaded(URL, Agent: AnsiString; Method: TReadMethod; Index, TotalSize, ReadSize,
CurrentSize: {#BIG_INT}; varReadedStr: AnsiString): Boolean;
Result := not Canceled;
Canceled := False;
DwinsHs_ReadRemoteURL('http://.....', 'My_Setup', rmGet, Response, Size,
ExpandConstant('{tmp}/local_filename'), @OnReaded);
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