How to synchorinze in the Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, etc system

  1. Build your time server, please use SNTP protocol. See also the "How to synchorinize all computers in your LAN".


    Your time server should synchorinizes its own time using an external server, or you can check the "Ignore the server synchronized status in response" and "Use transmit timestamp as reference timestamp in response" boxes in the "Server - SNTP" page. See also the "Server - SNTP".

  2. In your Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, etc system, execute the "ntpdate" command to synchorinize their clock to your SNTP time server (The "" is IP address of your SNTP time server. You can put the ntpdate command into a cron job). Also, you can use the "ntpd" to synchorinize the clock of your Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, etc system to your SNTP time server.
  3. You can use the "ntpd" to build your SNTP time server in your Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, etc system. Then use the Net Time Server & Client to synchorinize your Windows system clock to the time server.
