
This page displays the current operation status of the server portion of the Net Time Server & Client. The following table lists the possible values and their meanings for the status of servers:

  • Unicast/manycast server status
    • SNTP
  • unicast server status
    • Time TCP
    • Time UDP
    • UnixTime TCP
    • UnixTime UDP
    • DayTime TCP
    • DayTime UDP
RunningIndicates that the corresponding unicast/manycast server is running.
StopIndicates that the corresponding unicast/manycast server is stoped.
ReceivingIndicates that the corresponding unicast/manycast server is receiving the unicast/manycast request from an unicast/manycast client.
ReceivedIndicates that an unicast/manycast request packet has been received by the corresponding unicast/manycast server. The state will be displayed for about 1 second after an unicastcast/manycast request packet was received.
IgnoredIndicates that an unicast/manycast request packet has been discarded by corresponding unicast/manycast server due to the settings of this server or due to the permission issues in the "Unicast/Manycast SNTP server permission" dialog box (The dialog box is only available for the SNTP unicast/manycast server). The state will be displayed for about 1 second after an unicastcast/manycast request packet was discarded.
ReplyingIndicates that the corresponding unicast/manycast server is sending the unicast/manycast response packet to an unicast/manycast client.
SuccessfulIndicates that the unicast/manycast response packet was successfully sent by the corresponding unicast/manycast server. The state will be displayed for about 1 second after a unicast/manycast response packet was successfully sent.
FailedIndicates that the corresponding unicast/manycast server failed to send the unicast/manycast response packet. The state will be displayed for about 1 second after failed to send the unicast/manycast response packet.
Sending(KoD)Indicates that the SNTP unicast/manycast server is sending the KoD message packet to an unicast/manycast client.
Successful(KoD)Indicates that the KoD message packet was successfully sent by the SNTP unicast/manycast server. The state will be displayed for about 1 second after a KoD message packet was successfully sent.
Failed(KoD)Indicates that the SNTP unicast/manycast server failed to send the KoD message packet. The state will be displayed for about 1 second after failed to send the KoD message packet.
Service:StopThe state will be displayed if the "Net Time Server & Client Service" is installed but not started.
Service:PauseIf the "Net Time Server & Client Service" is installed, the state will be displayed when the service is paused.
  • Broadcast/multicast server status
    • SNTP
    • Time UDP
    • UnxiTime UDP
RunningIndicates that the corresponding broadcast/multicast server is running.
StopIndicates that the corresponding broadcast/multicast server is stoped.
IgnoredIndicates that a sending operation has been ignored by corresponding broadcast/multicast server due to the settings of this server or due to the local system clock that was not synchronized with a exernal time server. The state will be displayed for about 1 second after a sending operation was ignored.
SendingIndicates that the corresponding broadcast/multicast server is sending broadcast or multicast packet.
SuccessfulIndicates that the broadcast or multicast packet was successfully sent by the corresponding broadcast/multicast server. The state will be displayed for about 1 second after a broadcast or a multicast packet was successfully sent.
FailedIndicates that the corresponding broadcast/multicast server failed to send the broadcast or multicast packet. The state will be displayed for about 1 second after failed to send a broadcast or a multicast packet.
Service:StopThe state will be displayed if the "Net Time Server & Client Service" is installed but not started.
Service:PauseIf the "Net Time Server & Client Service" is installed, the state will be displayed when the service is paused.

To access this "Server" page, select the "Server" item from the tree menu on the left side of the "Main window".

Global status

The section contains serival fields for displaying the global status of the server portion of the Net Time Server & Client.

Server state

The field displays the current status of local system clock using by the server portion of the Net Time Server & Client. The following lists the possible values and their meanings:

Server state InitializingIndicates that the kernel is initializing itself. The state will be displayed when the "Net Time Server & Client" or the "Net Time Server & Client Service" is starting.
UnsynchronizedIndicates that the client portion of the Net Time Server & Client has not yet synchorinized the local system clock that is used by server portion using an external server.
SynchronizedIndicates that the client portion of the Net Time Server & Client has synchorinized the local system clock that is used by server portion using an external server.
Clock is changedIndicates that the local system clock has been changed since last synchronization, and the client portion of the Net Time Server & Client has synchorinized the local system clock that is used by server portion using an external server.
Service:StopThe state will be displayed if the "Net Time Server & Client Service" is installed but not started.
Service:PauseIf the "Net Time Server & Client Service" is installed, the state will be displayed when the service is paused.

Server clock

The field displays the date and time of local system clock using by the server portion of the Net Time Server & Client.

SNTP server

The section contains serival fields for displaying the current status of SNTP server, and displaying all clients that they recently synchronize their local clock with the SNTP server using unicast mode or using manycast mode.


The field displays the current status of the unicast/manycast mode portion of SNTP server. Including the "Running", "Stop", "Receiving", "Received", "Ignored", "Replying", "Successful", "Failed", "Sending...(KoD)", "Successful(KoD)", "Failed(KoD)", "Service:Stop", and "Service:Pause".


The field displays the current status of the broadcast/multicast mode portion of SNTP server. Including the "Running", "Stop", "Ignored", "Sending", "Successful", "Failed", "Service:Stop", and "Service:Pause".

Rate limitation list

If you have checked the "Use rate limitation" box in the "Server - SNTP" page, the list will displays the IP address and reply time of all clients that they recently synchronize their local clock with the SNTP server using unicast mode or using manycast mode. Every client will be automatically removed from the list if it is old than the length of time that you have specified in the "Limiter period (seconds)" field of the "Server - SNTP" page. The SNTP server will discard all requests from each client in the list or reply KoD message "RATE" until it is removed from the list. This is usful to limit the rate of request from any SNTP client using the unicast mode or using the manycast mode. You can manauly remove specific or all clients from the list in order to allow these clients to synchronize their local clock with the SNTP server using the unicast mode or using the manycast mode. The context menu will be displayed when you right click in the list box, it contains some submenu items for quick operation.See also the "Server - SNTP".


Press the button to remove one or more clients that they are highlighted from the "Rate limitation list".

Remove all

Removes all clients from the "Rate limitation list".

Time server

The section contains serival fields for displaying the current status of Time server.

TCP unincast

The field displays the current status of the TCP mode portion of the unicast Time server. Including the "Running", "Stop", "Receiving", "Received", "Ignored", "Replying", "Successful", "Failed", "Service:Stop", and "Service:Pause".

UDP unincast

The field displays the current status of the UDP mode portion of the unicast Time server. Including the "Running", "Stop", "Receiving", "Received", "Ignored", "Replying", "Successful", "Failed", "Service:Stop", and "Service:Pause".

UDP broadcast

The field displays the current status of the broadcast Time server (UDP mode). Including the "Running", "Stop", "Ignored", "Sending", "Successful", "Failed", "Service:Stop", and "Service:Pause".

UnixTime server

The section contains serival fields for displaying the current status of UnixTime server.

TCP unincast

The field displays the current status of the TCP mode portion of the UnixTime unicast server. Including the "Running", "Stop", "Receiving", "Received", "Ignored", "Replying", "Successful", "Failed", "Service:Stop", and "Service:Pause".

UDP unincast

The field displays the current status of the UDP mode portion of the UnixTime unicast server. Including the "Running", "Stop", "Receiving", "Received", "Ignored", "Replying", "Successful", "Failed", "Service:Stop", and "Service:Pause".

UDP broadcast

The field displays the current status of the UnixTime broadcast server (UDP mode). Including the "Running", "Stop", "Ignored", "Sending", "Successful", "Failed", "Service:Stop", and "Service:Pause".

DayTime server

The section contains serival fields for displaying the current status of DayTime server.

TCP mode

The field displays the current status of the TCP mode portion of the DayTime server. Including the "Running", "Stop", "Receiving", "Received", "Ignored", "Replying", "Successful", "Failed", "Service:Stop", and "Service:Pause".

UDP mode

The field displays the current status of the UDP mode portion of the DayTime server. Including the "Running", "Stop", "Receiving", "Received", "Ignored", "Replying", "Successful", "Failed", "Service:Stop", and "Service:Pause".
