This page controls the Time server portion of Net Time Server & Client operation. In the page, you can change many of the settings that affect the Time server. To access this "Server - Time" page, select the "Server" item then select the "Time" item from the tree menu on the lef side of the "Main window".
Checking the box allows the Time server listen for the Time TCP unicast request from clients, and then reply the date and time to the client that made request.
Specifies the IP address that the Time server will use it to listen for the Time TCP unicast request packet, and to send the Time TCP unicast reply packet. Using the "" binding IP address will bind to both of your network interface cards.
Specifies the number of local TCP port that the Time server will use it to listen for the Time TCP unicast request packet, and to send the Time TCP unicast reply packet. By default, it's port 37.
In general, the Time server will immediately reply to the client that made the Time TCP unicast request. Checking the box causes the server to stop replying when the local system clcok is unsynchronized with an external time source by the client portion of the Net Time Server & Client. It avoids the inaccuracy reply that is sent from the Time server.
Checking the box to enable the client in LAN using the "Find time server in LAN" window to find this Time TCP unicast server if it is running.
Checking the box allows the Time Server open the UDP socket in order to listen for Time UDP unicast request or to send the Time UDP broadcast packet and Time UDP multicast packet.
Specifies the IP address that the Time server will use it to listen for the Time UDP unicast request packet, and to send the Time UDP unicast reply packet and Time UDP broadcast packet. Using the "" binding IP address will bind to both of your network interface cards.
Specifies the number of local UDP port that the Time server will use it to listen for the Time UDP unicast request packet, and to send the Time UDP unicast reply packet and Time UDP broadcast/multicast packet. By default, it's port 37.
Checking the box allows the Time server listen for the Time UDP unicast request from clients, and then reply the date and time to the client that made request.
In general, the Time server will immediately reply to the client that made the Time UDP unicast request. Checking the box causes the server to stop replying when the local system clock is unsynchronized with an external time source by the client portion of the Net Time Server & Client. It avoids the inaccuracy reply that is sent from the Time server.
Checking the box to enable the client in LAN using the "Find time server in LAN" window to find this Time UDP unicast server if it is running.
Checking the box allows the Time server to periodically send the broadcast packet or the multicast packet. After the packet is received by the Time client, it will be used to synchronize the local system clock of the Time client.
Specifies the broadcast address or the multicast group address. The Time server will send the broadcast packet or the multicast packet to it. By default, it's "".
Specifies the number of port that the broadcast or multicast packets will be sent to. By default, it's port 37.
Specifies the interval of time in seconds between two broadcast transmissions or multicast transmissions. It controls the frequency of broadcast or multicast transmissions.
Specifies the number of routers a Time multicast packet can pass through before the packet can be discarded. Each router that processes the multicast packet decrements the TTL (Time to Live) field and discards the packet if the value reaches 0, so only multicast clients in scope will receive multicast packet.
Specifies the IP address that the Time server will use it to send the Time UDP mulitcast packet.
Checking the box causes the Time server to stop broadcasting or multicasting when the local system clcok is unsynchronized with an external time source by the client portion of the Net Time Server & Client. It avoids the inaccuracy broadcast/multicast packet that is sent from the Time server.
With this button you will accept and save current configuration.
With this button you will cancel current configuration and rollback to previous one.